Meet a Yogi: Harry

What inspired you to start yoga?
I wanted to improve my flexibility and balance. 

What surprised you most about practicing yoga? 
How much I enjoyed it! 

What prompted you to join Foundations to Flow Beginners course?
I had to go with Maddie and because I was a beginner it seemed like a good course for me.

What do you find most beneficial about the beginners course?
Its a low pressure environment with friendly people, it also orientated me to the world of yoga which i'd had no experience in previously. 

What is your favourite pose and why?
Happy baby! Because it feels so good haha

What is the pose you find most challenging and why? 
Anything to do with keeping my back straight and bending from the hips! 

How does yoga compliment or enhance other aspects of your life? 
It helped with flexibility and it is nice and relaxing and made me feel good.

What do you do in your spare time? I like to skateboard, snowboard, draw. 

Tell us about yourself?
I have done 2 seasons overseas filming in the city streets for a snowboard movie with my friends. I am currently travelling America snowboarding and ill be heading back to the winter season in Australia this year. Any spare time I have when the ground is dry, I try to skate as much as I can.