Meet a Yogi: Maddie

Tell us about yourself? 
I have been skiing for almost 10 year and started freestyle skiing a few years ago. I love the challenge of learning tricks and over coming the fear involved. I travel to america each year and live in Jindabyne, NSW Australia during the winter. I am super inspired by womens skiing and love to make videos with girlfriends. I have an edit called "Coochie" on which was really fun to make. fun fact: I'm the only girl skier in the world to land a naked backflip and front flip on skis! :) 

What inspired you to start yoga?
I wanted a way to keep fit in between ski seasons and something that would improve my flexibility in a fun way as i get bored easily. 

What surprised you most about practicing yoga?
That I enjoyed the meditative side of it. That practicing an empty mind would be so therapeutic. 

What prompted you to join Foundations to Flow Beginners course? 
I had done a bunch of yoga classes but never a 'program'. I wanted a continuous class that was going to give me a strong foundation and a solid understanding of yoga basics.

What do you find most beneficial about the beginners course?
The way its run. It's so open and non-serious. People can ask questions and take their time and practice as much as they need before the class moves on. 

What is your favourite pose and why?
Downward dog! always feels like I release negative emotion every time I do one!!

What is the pose you find most challenging and why?
Forward folds. It's an area I'm very tight and I struggle to do them.

How does yoga compliment or enhance other aspects of your life?
 It helps me with strength and flexibility with skiing, it also helps with pain management for my osteoarthritis and makes me feel amazing during a work week. 

What do you do in your free time?
All my time is focused towards skiing. either making money to ski, trying to get fit to ski or actually skiing haha. 

You can watch Maddie's back flip in 'Coochie' here